Bucket List page 2






Send a birthday card to my sister with a pigeon

USA to India

Jokingly told my sister that I was sending her a birthday card with a pigeon. A friend helped me keep a card and a pigeon in her room.


Skate Boarding
Long Boarding

Clemson, SC

My aunt gifted me one. She made me promise I won’t do any stunts!
If she sees this photo, I’m grounded.


Cliff Jumping

1. Rock Quarry, SC
2. Lake Keowee, SC
3. Lake Jocassee, SC


I had always been a little scared of heights.
But the thrill and adrenaline rush is amazing.

Contra Dancing
Swing Dancing
Shag Dancing

1. River falls lodge
2. Masquerade party

The first dance of my life. The most fun southern dance. Learned so many amazing steps. #washingmachinemove


Toughest mountain biking trail in USA

Slick Rock trail,
Moab, Utah

The most thrilling biking experience I’ve had ever. Slopes upto 60 degrees steep, with cliffs and canyon on the sides. We survived!!


Spending time with the President of the University in his office

Clemson, SC

No, I did not get punished. :p
President Clements is one of the most amazing people I've ever meet and he's a role model and a friend to me.


ATV dirt biking

Madventure, India

It’s always a bad idea to wear your favorite clothes when you know you’re going to ride in mud!


Swim in Bio luminescence

Cayman Islands

Most beautiful experience ever. It was amazing to see little sparks highlighting an outline of our hands and legs. Never wanted to leave from there.


Graduate without dropping out

Clemson, SC

Somehow made traveling, job, studies and sleep work. Graduated with a 3.8 / 4.0 GPA. Mounted a DSLR camera on my graduation cap

grad pic1.jpg

Getting stuck in a quagmire

Hyderabad, India

Tried off roading in a dry lake during summer. Ended up in quick sand. Luckily it was shallow. Took an hour to pull my bike out.


Selfie with the President of Clemson University

Clemson, SC

It's become our tradition now whenever we meet. We have a couple hundred selfies now. He's the coolest person ever!


Getting robbed at a gun point

Getting robbed at a gun point

Well, since it happened, I decided to put it on my bucket list. A pistol in my waist and a shotgun on my face.


Dive into an icy lake

Brigu- 14100ft,

Ran bare feet in snow for 30 yards took a dip in a half frozen lake.


Getting people arrested

Clemson University, SC

Corporal at CUPD
Trespassing (7)
Drunk (12)
Vandalism (3)


Shoot the Clemson Football HOME, ACC, BOWL and National Championship games

Home- 38
ACC- 3
Bowl- 3
Natty- 2

Getting the opportunity to be on the sidelines and shooting the games and making so many friends was one of the most cherishable experiences I had at Clemson.


Dive off a waterfall head first

Turtleback falls, NC



Experience magnetic hill effect

Ladakh, India

Our car rolled uphill at 5mph on neutral gear due to the magnetic properties of the hill. Cool stuff!!


Learn Karate and Martial Arts

Hyderabad, India

White Belt, Yellow Belt
Blue Belt, Orange Belt


Cave Crawling

Sandwich caves, India

Got a real taste of claustrophobia here!!


Paddle boarding

1. Lake Jocassee, SC
2. Cayman Islands

There's so much more freedom than a kayak. I find this pretty relaxing.



Clemson, SC

We got 6 inches of snow, the university shut down. Students did sledding on lunch trays to trashcans to cardboard to sofas to kayaks.



Maharashtra, India

Need a lot of arm power. Phew!


Spend an all nighter in the library

Cooper Library, Clemson University

I would literally pack two days of clothes and food and camp out in the library during exams.


Visit at least 50 Waterfalls in the Carolinas

Visited 31/50

Rainbow Falls, Whitewater Falls, Raven Cliff, Issaquena, Kings creek, Turtleback, Bull Sluice, Drift, Jones Gap, Brass town, Yellow Branch, Lee, Lick Log, Long creek, Opossum, Pigpen, Schoolhouse, Twin Falls, High falls, Dry Falls, Bridal Veil, Looking Glass, Sliding Rock, Tallulah, Triple Falls, Courthouse, Hickory, Slick Rock, Roaring Fork, Hidden Falls, Raven Cliff


Selfie with the Clemson Mascots

Death Valley, Clemson, SC

I always wished to get one selfie with the mascots. Now have more than a 100 selfies, and the mascots are good buddies of mine.


Fly in a private Jet

Hyderabad, India

Perks of having a cousin who’s a pilot.


Sand grave on the Beach

Vizag, India

You’re having the time of your life until a wave washes you away!!


Roller blading

Dallas, TX
Clemson, SC

Crashed into my aunt’s parked car and got grounded for a day! :p


Playing the million dollar carol Bell instrument in Tillman Clock tower

Tillman Hall, Clemson University, SC

The instrument is similar to a piano, which also has leg keys. Great feeling when you know the whole of Clemson must be hearing you play it.


Stay at the most expensive Hotel in Las Vegas

The Venetian, Las Vegas

When you get lucky to stay at one of the best hotels in Vegas and all you want to do is jump on the bed!!
